Pride Mobile App Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Overcome App Store Challenges


Connecting businesses and individuals that are proud of who they are should be safe and easy. It started when founder Jonathon Pritchard was traveling and looked for new places to shop, dine, and meet people — but came up with nothing. As time went on, he took his Lincoln on the road and started to look for LGBTQIA+ businesses and found that they were either hard to locate or permanently closed. Of the businesses that he did find, he was unsettled to find that business listings were hard to use, never updated, and poorly supported for the community. And like all great stories “that’s how it all started.” Since such time, Pritchard and his team have been on a non-stop quest to improve LGBTQIA+ and ally-backed businesses, large and small, and support them with the attention of high-end hospitality.

Let's Get Started!

The Pride Mobile App is perfect for those looking to find businesses that are proud to be allies of the LGBTQIA+ community. Our app also allows business owners (like you) to claim their listings and edit information about their offerings. If you use the Pride Mobile App or have a business, you can claim your free listing and edit your information as necessary so customers know where to find the best locations near them!

Easy Peasy

User experience is incredibly important to us, so the Pride Mobile App is easy to use! We've researched and tested countless apps. We want the Pride Mobile App to be easy to navigate. Features like geolocation or an establishment's zip code make it simple to find places near you. You'll also have peace of mind that when you use it, you know that your information is stored securely. The Pride App will even send you notifications about a particular business or your own business. Our Pride Mobile App is continually making improvements that will properly enrich users with good information and robust features.

Get Great Feedback!

Customers can also leave reviews about their experience with each business so that others can see what's great about it - or what could be improved. You can help refer other users to like-minded businesses, products and services by leaving a review as well. We're all in this together - and together we'll make it great.

Working Together

Today, we're proud to support the development and deployment of mobile application technology that makes it easier than ever to unify, network, and support businesses that support the LGBTQIA+ community.